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Geriatric Assessment Skills Education Programme for Nurses (BigPicture)

Project nr 101139792, ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP
Program: ERASMUS-LS, Geriatric Assessment Skills Education Programme for Nurses, BigPicture
Period: 01.04.2024 – 01.01.2027
Budget: 1 253 874 €

As European people age they are at an increased risk to suffer from one or more chronic conditions, functional decline, and frailty. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) skills are needed for nurses to support older people to live more active lives. Successful CGA improves the quality of life of older people, delays the progression of frailty, reduces hospital admissions and the length of hospital stays. By developing a new nursing education programme for CGA, the BigPicture project will advance the upskilling of professional nurses, and the validation of their prior knowledge. The project boosts innovation capacity in gerontological nursing through collaboration and flow of knowledge among vocational education and training providers, universities, and labour market actors.

This project includes an analysis of CGA skills and best practices (WP2), and a co-creation phase where new curricula with innovative learning and teaching methods including digital 3D simulations are developed (WP3). The project will enhance the skills of nurses by piloting and evaluating the new curricula with over 200 students and nurses (WP4). The curriculum is designed to support the continuous training and lifelong learning of professional nurses and will be integrated into the optional study offerings of six EU higher education institutions during the project.

Project coordinator:

Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland


Åland University of Applied Sciences
Riga Stradins University
Tallinn Health Care College
University of Thessaly
University of Iceland
Southwest Finland wellbeing services county
Nosileia Tora

Project team members from Tallinn Health Care College: Jekaterina Šteinmiller, Anne Ehasalu, Liina Männiksaar, Ivi Prits

Contact information:

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    Jekaterina Šteinmiller

    Lecturer-Leading lecturer

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