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Enrepreneurship study GUESSS

Dear student,

We would like to ask you to take part in an international study of students’ entrepreneurial spirit. Your opinion about your study and entrepreneurship experiences obtained so far and assessment of the entrepreneurship education possibilities at your school and Estonian entrepreneurship climate in general are very important. This helps to plan and conduct better entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions. Entrepreneurship education supports the development of graduates’ entrepreneurial attitudes and growth of knowledge and skills necessary for starting with entrepreneurship and increases the competitiveness of graduates in the labour market.

Please provide your input by answering to the following survey:  

Please fill the questionnaire at your first convenience in April, it takes about 15-20 minutes. All completed questionnaires will be considered for our raffle, where you can win one Apollo gift card and 10 other prizes (surprise)!

The current entrepreneurship study GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students‘ Survey) is conducted in ca 50 countries all over the world, whereas the results of the study contribute to the development of entrepreneurship education at schools. The project manager is Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. More information about the study is available at: