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Tallinn Health Care College Library

Tallinn Health Care College Library (hereafter: Library) is a professional library, which collects, maintains, and makes the health care literature and databases for users available. The Library forms the books in accordance with the specialities trained in the Tallinn Health Care College (hereafter: College): nurse, midwife, assistant pharmacist, optometrist, dental technician, occupational therapist, health promotion, emergency medical technician, care worker, assistive technology specialist, client worker for people with mental health problems, sterilisation technician, child minder, dental assistant and assistant pharmacist (in English). The data of the literature in the Library have been inserted into the Library Catalog ESTER, the information resources outside the Library are available in the e-Library: catalogues of the other libraries, EBSCO databases, and electronic professional journals. Passwords required for logging in have to be asked from a librarian. The Library carries out user trainings, offers personal advising, and organizes thematic expositions.

The library is open for studying and working, you can use individual and group work rooms, there is a possibility to use computers with Internet connection and personal computers as well. Wireless Distribution System (WiFi) is provided in the Library. Making copies, printing, and scanning are the services for pay in the Library.


We kindly ask you to prefer non-contact borrowing of the collections items – send your borrowing request to e-mail, with the following information: name of the client, data of desired items(s) (author, title) and the date the order will be picked up.    

Ordered collections items are there for the client on the agreed date marked by their names on the separate table marked as „Ordered collections items“ (“Tellitud teavikud”) The table is located on the left when entering the front door of the College.   

To return the borrowed collections, you may place them into the book locker specially marked and located next the front door.

You can contact the librarian via e-mail ( or write your message to the Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli raamatukogu Facebook Messenger.

The Library collections stand in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve school buildings.


Opening hours in Tallinn


        Mon – Fri 8 am – 8 pm

        Sat 10 am – 2 pm on the following dates:


1st, 15th ja 29th March 2025

12th and 26th April 2025

10th and 24th May 2025

7th and 21st June 2025

       Librarian is available to consult in the following hours:

       Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 10 am – 2 pm 

       Wed 2 pm – 6 pm


Opening hours in Kohtla-Järve structural unit:


Mon Fri 8:00 am 7 pm

Librarian is available to consult in the following hours:

Mon Thu 10 am 2 pm



67 Kännu Street, Tallinn
+372 6 711 735

Librarian Eve Pohlak 
Librarian Riina Pohlak


12 Lehe Street, Kohtla-Järve (room no 28)
+372 6 711 785

Librarian Angela Räis