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Health Day - Cancer

March 14, 2017 at 13.00-16.00 Health Day will take place in Tallinn Health Care College in collaboration with Estonian Nurses Union. This time the main topic of the day is associated with cancer.

Health Lectures (room 122)
13.00-13.25 "Breast Cancer Prevention, Risk Factors and Screenings"- Dr Tiiu-Liis Tigane, Estonian Cancer Society medical advisor
13.25-13.50 "Awareness of Cervical Cancer Prevention and Symptoms" - students of the Chair of Midwifery Keidy Anet Lavrikov, Hanna Maria Trei
13.50-14.15 "Stress and Psychosomatic Complaints" - lecutrer-teacher of the Chair of Nursing Marianne Annion
14.15-14.40 "Smoking and Cancer" - lector of the Chair of Health Promotion, Andrus Lipand
14.40-15.05 "Smart Devices and their Effect on Human Health" - lector of the Chair of Health Promotion, Andrus Lipand
15.05-15.30 "Protecting the Skin from the Sun" - students of the Chair of Pharmacy Meeli Einpalu, Aune Altmets
15.30-16.00 "Who is an Experience Advisor and what is Experience Advsing?" - alumnus of the Chair of Nursing and Experience Advisor of North Estonia Medical Centre Merike Värik

*There may be some changes in the program!

Health Day is free for everyone, prior registration is not necessary!

Mark yourself as "Going" on Facebook!