Digital Skills Training for Heath Care Professionals in Oncology, DigiCanTrain

Project no: 101101253
Programme: EU4Health programme
Period: 01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026
Budget: 154 021.79 €
Project website:
Project name: Digital Sills Training for Heath Care Professionals in Oncology, DigiCanTrain
DigiCanTrain implements a new digital skills training for cancer health care workforce in Europe by supporting the development of more effective, person-centred health care, digital cancer care services and the use of contemporary eHealth technology.
Cancer is one of the most common diseases in Europe. In 2018, 3 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 28 EU member states. The COVID-19 pandemic showed the potential of digitalization to transform the way health care is delivered and therefore building resilience and bringing efficiency, transparency, and convenience on health care services.
Correctly used eHealth technology can be a useful tool for facilitating a dialogue among health care professionals (HCPs) and meet health and care needs of people affected by cancer. Digital technology is an inevitable part of the future of European healthcare. Despite the current use of e-technology, its positive effects and its potential, most health professionals feel insufficiently trained to deal with the digital revolution.
The project aims at up-skilling and re-skilling the health care workforce in the cancer care setting. This supports the development of effective, person-centred health care, digital cancer care services and the use of contemporary eHealth technology by the HCPs.
The project also contributes to shaping the lifelong learning dimension in higher education (EQF levels 6-8) by integrating micro-credentials to accompany ECTS and CME credit systems. The purpose of the project is to design, pilot and evaluate DigiCanTrain education and training programme for trainers, clinical and non-clinical HCPs. The ultimate goal is to improve access to continuing professional education, increase digital skills and the use of eHealth technology of clinical and non-clinical health care professionals working with people affected by cancer.
Estonia's area of responsibility in the project includes the part of quality control assessment throughout the entire project. This includes the evaluation of reports of different stages, participant satisfaction surveys, trainer feedback surveys, DigiCanTrain project participant reports (financial audit), learning modules created by DigiCanTrain.
Team of the project in Tallinn Health Care College: Jandra Ristikivi (project manager), Merle Talvik, Kadri Kööp, Irma Nool.
Project coordinator:
Turku University of Applied Sciences,
Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL)
University of Turku
European Oncology Nursing Society
European Cancer Organisation
University of Galway
Tallinn Health Care College
Turku University Hospital
Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Institute Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta” Cluj-Napoca
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Catalan Institute of Oncology
National Cancer Control Programme Ireland
Cancer Society of Finland CSF
Health Campus Turku
Contact information:
Jandra Sule
Head of the General Nurse Curriculum, Leading lecturer
- 671 1706
- 203