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Video competition "Erasmus+ exchange as a supporter of individual and professional development"

Dear students!

Tallinn Health Care College is happy to announce student video competition titled "Erasmus+ exchange as a supporter of individual and professional development"!

Who can participate in the competition?
All students, who are currently studying at the Tallinn Health Care College and are or have been studying on having a traineeship abroad in the frames of Erasmus+ programme, are welcome to participate. All our previous and current Erasmus+ incoming students who are currently studying at any of the partner institutions of Tallinn Health Care College are also warmly welcome to participate. 

Aim of the competition
We are looking forward to videos that explain what has Erasmus+ exchange period given to you as a person and a future professional.  We evaluate the content, creativity and technical realization of the video. The aim of the competition is to find informative and creative videos that can be used for promoting Erasmus+ programme, encouraging students to participate in the Erasmus+ programme and mediating studentsʾ experiences on the homepage of the Tallinn Health Care College, in the frames of different presentations and other mediums.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Content of the video – the video expresses clearly, how has Erasmus+ exchange studies or traineeship supported your professional and individual development
  2. Creativity and artistic value of the video
  3. Technical realization of the video

The prize fund of 600 eur is provided by Erasmus+ OS fund and will be divided between the authors of the best videos. All participants of the competition will be awarded with a small promotional gift from the college and are invited to the awarding of winners on 9 May 2018.

23 April 2018
– deadline for sending the video
4 May 2018 – announcing the winners
9 May 2018 – awarding the winners

Ulvi Kõrgemaa, academic vice rector
Eve Epner, head of international relations
Heili Sõrmus, specialist of international relations
Are Kangus, educational technologist

Competition conditions:

  1. Length of the video : 1 to 5 minutes
  2. Please provide the following information in the video: your name, field of study, name of your sending institution, country
  3. Please indicate the name of the competition in the beginning of the video and the year and name of the author in the end of the video.
  4. Technical parameters:
  • Resolution: at least 1280 x 720 pixels, recommended 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Frame rate: at least 25
  • Format: AVI or MP4
  • Size: up to 100Mb
  1. For filming you can use handy equipment, such as mobile phone, photo camera or video camera. For technical help and guidance you may turn to Mr Andrei Pugatšov at the IT-office (andrei.pugatsov, room 119, Kännu 67, Tallinn; +372 6 711 708)
  2. Please upload the video, for example to youtube or vimeo. Please send the link of the video to latest by 23 April 2018. Please add your name and field of study to the e-mail.
  3. By sending the video the author confirms that she/he has all the copyrights and other rights concerning the video (incl. permission from the people showed in the video).
  4. Tallinn Health Care College may use the videos or parts of the videos without the confirmation of the author both in Estonia and abroad without paying any extra fees.
  5. Tallinn Health Care College has the right to remove videos from competition, which content and technical realizations are not in correspondence to the rules of the competition.
  6. We announce the winners on 4 May 2018 on the homepage of the college and inform the winners by e-mail.
  7. Awarding takes place on 9 May 2018 at the Career Day.