Improvement of public health by promotion of equitably distributed high quality primary health care systems
17.09. 2009-16.12. 2012
Remarkable inequalities in health exist among the population groups In the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). These inequalities have a relationship to social problems. Adding to health inequality is the spread of communicable diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS. Furthermore the EU Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion emphasises as one of the main obstacles for territorial cohesion the uneven access to health services, which is, according to the EU Green Paper on its Workforce for Health, partly caused by maldistribution of staff between urban and rural areas within countries as well as the brain drain between different countries.
Primary Health Care (PHC) is the level of care nearest to the community. It coordinates care with other community stakeholders and manages interfaces with other health services and thus also helps to control the costs of the public health systems. Hence PHC is an efficient tool for health promotion & disease prevention and contributes to increasing the attractiveness of regions. While the importance of PHC is without controversy, the equitable availability of high quality PHC personnel and resources is a big challenge for all BSR Countries.
The project aims at promoting equitably distributed high quality PHC services in the BSR in order to increase the cost-efficiency of the public health system and more efficiently counteract communicable diseases as well as health problems related to social factors.
The project tackles three core areas: access to PHC, financial resources for PHC, and professional development of PHC staff.
Tangible transferable and/or transnational outputs of the project include:
• Incentive payment scheme
• Operational system of evidence-based quality indicators
• Set of proven measures to recruit and retain doctors and other health
professionals in less attractive areas
• Strategy on professional development of PHC in the BSR
• Conclusions for avoiding brain drain within and between countries
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• Evidence-based PHC practices for counteracting communicable diseases
• Model solution for incorporating PHC in RD Plans
• Conclusions on promoting equal distribution of PHC
The project will make a change by achieving improved prerequisites for:
• Decreasing territorial disparities in the supply of health services
• Increasing the quality of PHC services
• Increasing the financial and human resources for PHC
Lead Partner:
Swedish Committee for International Health Care Collaboration (SEEC) (SE)
Project Partners:
Blekinge Centre of Competence (SE)
Turku University of Applied Sciences (FI)
Institute of Hygiene (LT)
State Patient Fund of Lithuania (LT)
Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency (LV)
Latvian Family Physicians' Association (LV)
University of Tartu, Medical Faculty (EE)
Tallinn Health Care College (EE)
Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia, Department of Statistics and Analysis (EE)
College of Family Physicians in Poland (PL)
BelMAPO -Belarussian Medical Academy for Continuous Education (BY)
Gomel Regional Health Care Authorities (BY)
Contact person in Tallinn Health Care College:
28.–29.11.2012 closing conference "Quality Health Services for All" in the framework of the project "Improvement of public health by promotion of equitably distributed high quality primary health care systems" (ImPrim) takes place in Riga, Latvia. Participants from the Tallinn Health Care College are lecturer of the Chair of Nursing Irma Nool, vice rector Ulvi Kõrgemaa, head of the Chair of Nursing Kristi Puusepp and rector Ülle Ernits. Programme
24.-29.10.2010. Tiina Tõemets and
Irma Nool participate on project ImPrim work-meeting in Gomel, Bielorussia.
14.-19.11.2010. In the framework of ImPrim project, nursing student Marina Golõnina participates on intensive courses for primary level nurses at the Blekinge Competency Center of Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
28.-31.03.2011. Nursing lecturer Irma Nool participates in a team's work-meeting of project ImPrim at Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
29.-31.05.2011. In the framework of ImPrim project, nursing lecturer Tiina Tõemets participates in a work-shop about applying motivating interviewing in first level health care in Turku UAS, Finland.
13.-16.09.2011. Nursing lecturer Irma Nool participates on work-meeting of project ImPrim team in Klaipeda University, Lithuania.
27.-28.09.2011. Nursing lecturers Tiina Tõemets and Angela Eensalu-Lind participate on primary level nursing conference The International Conference on Quality Development in Primary Care, in Stockholm, Sweden, making acquaintance with systems elaborated for quality development. The conference web-site is available from here. There will also be a meeting with ImPrim cooperation partners.
7.-9.12.2011. Work-meeting of project ImPrim at Tallinn Health Care College about project activities and budget. Participants: Karin Chamoun, Christina Wieslander Lise Hall?n (Blekinge Center of Competence), Ülle Ernits, Irma Nool, Anne Ehasalu, Kersti Naelapää (PERH), Katrin Pärgmäe.
31.01.-3.02.2012. Coordinator of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 project ImPrim Irma Nool participated in the 2E scientific conference in Karlskrona, Sweden.