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The aim of the project is to enhance the level of education of four vocational education schools in North and East Afghanistan which provide midwifery education. Tallinn Health Care College participates in the project as a partner of NGO Mondo. NGO Mondo and the chair of midwifery of Tallinn Health Care College work in cooperation in planning and carrying out development and information projects.

The beneficiaries of the project are students and lecturers of four vocational education institutions in North and East Afghanistan which provide midwifery education:

The aim of the Erasmus+ intensive programme "Combating Risk Behaviour Among Youngsters (CRBAY)" is to exchange experiences about best practices concerning preventing risk behaviour in youngsters as well as multidisciplinary cooperation in the field of health and social work. Participants of the programme are lecturers and students from Estonia, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Belgium and Netherlands.

Leading partner of the project: Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

The aim of the cooperation agreements between Tallinn Health Care College, Tampere University and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences is to develop cooperation between the institutions in study process and research.

Cooperation agreement with Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 24.10.2018-24.10.2028

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    Monika Alasoo

    Manager of the Student Hostel

    • +372 6 552 675 / +372 5 854 6300
    • Üliõpilaskodu
If you are interested in teaching or having a training at the Tallinn Health Care College, please follow the following steps:
1) Contact
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    Grete Sõõru

    Head of International Relations

    • +372 5167577
    • 104
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    Eve Epner

    International Project Manager

    • +372 671 1713
    • 102

The aims of the College are to be an internationally recognised institution of professional higher education with a modern learning environment which provides education in the broad group ‘Health and Welfare’; through applied research and development promote the professions taught in the College; influence health behaviours in the population; contribute to the shaping of a healthy living environment; and organise in-service training.


There are seven fields of vocational education in the college:

  • Care Worker
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Childminder 
  • Assistive Technology Specialist
  • ​Client Worker for People with Mental Health Problems
  • Sterilisation Technician
  • Dental Assistant
  • Clinical Secretary
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