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26.11.–15.12.2012 Exhibition of accessions on health care compiled by the publishing house Krisostomus in the libray of the Tallinn Health Care College.

15.05.–1.06.2012 Exhibition of accessions on health care compiled by the publishing house Medicina at the library of the Tallinn Health Care College.

According to the Tallinn Health Care College rector

20.–25.05.2012 In the framework of the NordCare project of the Nordplus programme an intensive course titled "Multicultural Health Care in Health Promotion: Evidence-based Nursing as a Bridge Between Research and Practice" takes place in Tampere, Finland. The lecturers of the course from the Tallinn Health Care College are lecturers of the Chair of Nursing  Mare Tupits and Sirje Tarraste.


20.11.–07.12.2012 Exhibition "25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violance against Women" at the library of the Tallinn Health Care College. The exhibition is compiled by the students of the Chair of Midwifery Kaie Reinkubjas, Tene Kolossova, Hanna Klaus, Johanna Maria Püüa and a student of the Chair of Nursing Eva Moik.

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