Skip to main content in the frames of the LLP/Erasmus preparatory visit Marina Montezuma and Lurdes Lomba from the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Portugal are visiting the Tallinn Health Care College with the purpose of getting acquainted with the local learning and practical training conditions.

31.05.2012 Tallinn Health Care College and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences  working group cooperation seminar takes place. In purpose to create and implement in basic nursing study program common English study subject matter „Mental health and substance abuse nursing“  in e-learning environment Moodle. Practical activities for creating and implementing e-course were specified.


3.01.2012. Seminar-training “Quality is everybody’s business” for Tallinn Health Care College staff, financed from Primus programme.

11.-15.04.2011. In the framework of Nordplus programme's Norlys network, an international intensive course "Nordic/Baltic Perspectives on Nursing Diagnoses and Diagnostics" is organized at Tallinn Health Care Colllege.


Tallinn Health Care College has joined the European Structural Fund programme DoRa activity 8:


Aim of the curriculum 

The aim of the Curriculum of Assistant Pharmacist is to train specialists with professional higher education – assistant pharmacists who are familiar with medicines and the preparation of medicines and other medicinal and health products and whose knowledge and skills allow them to work in pharmacies, wholesale pharmaceutical companies and other companies involved in the handling of drugs, medical products and health care products. 

Learning outcomes of the curriculum

Aim of the curriculum

The aim of the Curriculum of Optometrist is to train specialists with professional higher education who evaluate and correct visual acuity – optometrists whose knowledge and skills enable them to work in optics shops, in clinics dealing with vision correction and treatment, in occupational health care enterprises, in research institutions dealing with vision ergonomics and visual perception, and in wholesale firms of optics products.  

Learning outcomes of the curriculum

Aim of the curriculum 

Aim of the curriculum is to provide the students with internationally recognised quality professional higher education for working in the field of public health, and to enable the student to acquire necessary competencies for professional work and continuing their education on Master degree level.

Learning outcomes of the curriculum

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