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Aim of the curriculum

The aim of the Curriculum of Dental Technician is to provide internationally recognized dental technicians with professional higher education, who possess knowledge and skills to prepare dental prostheses and orthodontic appliances as well as conducting applied research, and have readiness to develop the field of the profession and engage in lifelong learning. 

Learning outcomes of the curriculum

Professional Higher Education

General Nurse

Aim of the curriculum

The aim of the Curriculum of General Nurse is to provide internationally recognized professional higher education for working in the area of health care and to resume specialty education and/or on the curriculum of nursing or on other open Master level curricula. 

Learning outcomes of the curriculum







Aim of the curriculum

The aim of the Curriculum of Midwife is to provide internationally recognized professional higher education for working in the area of health care and to enable the student to acquire necessary competencies for working as a midwife and nurse and for continuing one’s education in Master`s studies. 

Learning outcomes of the curriculum

EAOO - European Academy of Optometry and Optics

The aim of EAOO is to:

  • advance the profession of optometrics;
  • develop our scientific knowledge base and
  • support and promote lifelong learning for optometrists and opticians across Europe

Please find further information here

Tallinn Health Care College organizes and conducts a 6-cycle advanced training for technicians of assistive instruments for enhancing and standardizing their professional skills.

The target groups of training are 45 physio- and occuaptional therapists working in rehabilitation institutions and also 15 specialists from firms selling assistive instruments.

Dates of training:

Tallinn Healrth Care College participates in Erasmus intensive project INTENSIVE PROGRAMME ON POVERTY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION (IPPSE), during the period 1. september 2010 - 31. august 2011.

Theobjectives specified in Erasmus Intensive Programme project documentation are as follows:

- to enhance interdisciplinary cooperation between health care, rehabilitation and social work;

- to develop strategies and exchange expertise on a community based approach and a strategy of empowerment;

Tallinn Health Care College participates in a project DIETITIANS ENSURING EDUCATION, TEACHING AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITY" (DIETS2). DIETS2 project is a continuation to project DIETS that lasted from 2006-2009.
The objectives of DIETS2 are to:
a) define and publish 2nd and 3rd level specific dietetic competences and a framework for their use (include ECTS)
b) produce pedagogic standards for dietetic placements and guidance for placement opportunities in non-clinical areas

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