1.06.2010. Planning of research in cooperation with Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Participants: Tiina Juhansoo, Moonika Viigimäe, Pille Javed, Kristi Puusepp, Merike Kravets, Karin Lilienberg.
2.-15.05.2010. Intensive course of the LLP/Erasmus IP project "Well, MEN? Men´s wellbeing and Health in a European perspective" in Turku Novia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Participants: Ave Kõrve and students Minni-Triin Kasemets, Mari Piir, Liina Kokk and Riin Rodenberg.
1.-6.03.2010. According to LLP/Erasmus bilateral agreement are Lilian Ruuben and Merle Kiloman teaching in Kaunas College, Lithuania. Hosting lecturer: Povilas Beseckas.
1.-27.03.2010. According to the Leonardo da Vinci programme mobility project with Oberstufenzentrum Elbe-Elstar, Germany, are Monique Sievers and Stephanie Jahnke studying in the Chair of Vocational Education. Supervors: Piret Tamme, Merike Kravets.
2.-4.02.2010. 2nd module of the tuition course for mid-level managers of higher education institutions organised in the frames of Primus programme. Lecturers: Toomas Haldma, Siret Rutiku, Kristiina Tõnnisson, Kulno Türk, Aune Valk, Mari Nõmm, Mart Noorma, Illari Lään. Participant: Karin Lilienberg.
1.-30.11.2009. According to Nordplus programme Norlys network bilateral agreement are nursing students Aleksandr Alberg and Natalia Barbarosh studying in Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Hosting lecturer: Meri Pihlajavaara.
2.-3.12.2009. Tuition about the compilation of local health profile, organised by the National Institute for Health Development in the frames of ESF programme "Measures supporting healthy choices 2008-2009" in Laulasmaa. Participant: Moonika Viigimäe.
4.12.2009. Thematic monitoring seminar "Learing by travelling", organised by SA Archimedes in Tallinn. Participant: Eve Epner.
30.03. - 20.04.2009
Sandra Dielmann
studying in the curriculum of nurse assistants.
2.03. - 22.03.2009
According to Leonardo da Vinci programmi exchange project with AWO Schleswig-Holstein GmbH Bildungszentrum Preetz are
Heidi Suchantke