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Nr. 2009-1-EE1-LEO04-00514 1 
1.08.2009 - 31.07.2011

The Leonardo da Vinci programme project "Improved training modules and new opportunities for care workers" is aimed at improving the qualification of care workers in each participating country  and making the qualifications in partner countries more transparent and comparable.  

16.-18.08.2010. Summer school for education technologists. Participant: Argo Ilves.

24.-25.08. 2010.

1.06.2010. Planning of research in cooperation with Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.  Participants: Tiina Juhansoo, Moonika Viigimäe, Pille Javed, Kristi Puusepp, Merike Kravets, Karin Lilienberg.

2.-15.05.2010. Intensive course of the LLP/Erasmus IP project "Well, MEN? Men´s wellbeing and Health in a European perspective" in Turku Novia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Participants: Ave Kõrve and students Minni-Triin Kasemets, Mari Piir, Liina Kokk and Riin Rodenberg.

1.-6.03.2010. According to LLP/Erasmus bilateral agreement are Lilian Ruuben and Merle Kiloman teaching in Kaunas College, Lithuania. Hosting lecturer: Povilas Beseckas.

1.-27.03.2010. According to the Leonardo da Vinci programme mobility project with Oberstufenzentrum Elbe-Elstar, Germany, are Monique Sievers and Stephanie Jahnke studying in the Chair of Vocational Education. Supervors: Piret Tamme, Merike Kravets.

5.-10.04.2010. Seminar of Grundtvig programme project MINDWELLNESS - "Improving Learning Capacities and Mental Health of Elderly People" in  Graz. Participants: Tiina Juhansoo, Mare Tupits, Mai Maser, Kalju Paju. Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4

1.02.2010. Project MINDWELLNESS meeting in Tallinn Health Care College. Participants: Tiina Juhansoo, Ülle Kivisild, Eda Müürsepp, Zelda Fain.

2.-4.02.2010. 2nd module of the tuition course for mid-level managers of higher education institutions organised in the frames of Primus programme. Lecturers: Toomas Haldma, Siret Rutiku, Kristiina Tõnnisson, Kulno Türk, Aune Valk, Mari Nõmm, Mart Noorma, Illari Lään. Participant: Karin Lilienberg.


1.-30.11.2009. According to Nordplus programme Norlys network bilateral agreement are nursing students Aleksandr Alberg and Natalia Barbarosh studying in Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Hosting lecturer: Meri Pihlajavaara. 

2.-3.12.2009. Tuition about the compilation of local health profile, organised by the National Institute for Health Development in the frames of  ESF programme "Measures supporting healthy choices 2008-2009" in  Laulasmaa. Participant: Moonika Viigimäe.

4.12.2009. Thematic monitoring seminar "Learing by travelling", organised by SA Archimedes in Tallinn. Participant: Eve Epner.

2.09.2009. Students from Turku University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health Promotion,  are getting acquainted with the Chair of Midwifery. Hosting lecturer: Irena Bartels.
2.09.2009. Meeting of  Tallinn Health Care College committee of development and international relations.
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