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Ergonomic cooperation project of Tallinn Health College and Labour Inspectorate  
08.2007 - 2009

The aim of the ergonomic cooperation project of Tallinn Health College and Labour Inspectorate   "Lighten the Load" is the prevention of bone- and muscle complaints through early diagnostics and ergonomics.

An European Perspective on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
and Elderly
1.09.2008 - 30.09.2009

Occupational therapists have a broad understanding of person, environment and activities as a person- environment interaction which helps people with disabilities and also is useful for other groups of population. The new society demands contribution to the development of knowledge in social sphere, to prepare occupational therapy professionals for work in new emerging settings, like facilitating inclusive employment.

Consortium of Institutes of Higher Education in Health and Rehabilitation In Europe (COHEHRE)

Moveonnet - Higher Education Worldwide - is the online guide to higher education worldwide that was launched in May 2006 and already contains approximately 4,800 universities and more than 920 registered institutions worldwide. Moveonnet provides a comprehensive directory of participating universities worldwide and tools for the communication between the international relations offices.

Please find further information here

2008 - 2013

Programme BeSt is an e -learning programme in higher education, financed by the European Social Fund, applied by the Foundadtion Archimedes and implemented by the Estonian IT Foundation.

   2008 - 2015

Educating the new European Professional in the Knowledge Society
European project EDUPROF

On behalf of the European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences joined together in the European project EDUPROF a survey shall be carried out with the aim to understand the nature and profile of research activities undertaken by Applied Higher Education Institutions (AHEI) in  Europe in order to deliver high level professional education and prepare professionals for professional practice.

Ljubov Kinner - Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Pori Department,Finland Claudia Pedro - Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal
Olga Bljaškina - Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Pori Department, Finland 
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