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Projekti pealkiri: Estonian-Nordic Network for Health Care Education/2019 - ENNHANCE
Projekti ID: NPHE-2019/10044 
Projekti kestus: september 2019 - september 2020.
Projekti eesmärk on arendada koostöös põhjamaadega tõenduspõhist õpet tervishoiu valdkonnas integreerides teooriat ja praktikat, süvendades õppejõudude didaktilist pädevust. 
  • Contact image

    Merle Talvik

    Head of the Research Methodology module, Associate Professor

    • 671 1710
    • 241

According to the Tallinn Health Care College Development Plan for the year 2017-2021 the College continues participation in international education and specialty networks with the aim to develop curricula and increase opportunities for student and staff mobility.

  • Contact image

    Grete Sõõru

    Head of International Relations

    • +372 5167577
    • 104

On May 12, 2019, at Mother's Day concert in Paide, Mare Tupits, a lecturer of nursing at the College, received the proud title of "Mother of the Year 2019"!


The overall goal of Dora Plus is to make Estonia a more attractive place for studying and research and to make the education offered by higher education institutions more internationally competitive.

Dora Plus Action T1.1 "Internationalization of higher education, support for mobility and growth" will support short-term learning and research related activity abroad.

  • Contact image

    Grete Sõõru

    Head of International Relations

    • +372 5167577
    • 104

Healtcare Logistics Education and Learning Pathway

Project Acronym: HELP

Funding Instrument: ERASMUS + KA2 Strategic Partnership

Project number: 2017-1-1FI01-KA203-034721

Project dates:  1.09.2017- 31.08.2020.

  • Contact image

    Piret Tamme

    Head of the Department, Lifelong-Learning Centre Leading lecturer

    • +372 6 711 729
    • 108

26-30 August 2019 "Welcome to Estonia Week" will take place for Erasmus+ incoming students of Talllinn Health Care College, TTK University of Applied Sciences and Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Welcome week is a great opportunity to meet Erasmus students of fall semester 2018, learn some Estonian and find local friends!

Please register HERE by 1 August 2019!

26-30 August 2019 "Welcome to Estonia Week" will take place for Erasmus+ incoming students of Talllinn Health Care College, TTK University of Applied Sciences and Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Welcome week is a great opportunity to meet Erasmus students of fall semester 2018, learn some Estonian and find local friends!

Please register HERE by 1 August 2019!

26-30 August 2019 "Welcome to Estonia Week" will take place for Erasmus+ incoming students of Talllinn Health Care College, TTK University of Applied Sciences and Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Welcome week is a great opportunity to meet Erasmus students of fall semester 2018, learn some Estonian and find local friends!

Please register HERE by 1 August 2019!

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