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Child minder is a worker who has acquired knowledge in the area of caring for children and supporting their development. The aim of the baby sitters work is to support the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of the child considering the familys needs in taking care of the child. In one’s work baby sitter is guided by the childs rights, wellbeing and safety. Baby sitter provides a service that can be offered at the child’s home, at the baby sitters home or elsewhere in a place chosen by the parents.

Emergency Medical Technician is a specialist whose task is to aid people injured in an accident and/or emergency patients. Student acquires knowledge about the specifics of treatment provided in emergency medicine, also about dosage forms and ways of administration. After passing the training, emergency medical technician knows how to handle the equipment used in emergency medicine and possesses skills of transporting and moving the casualty.

Nominal length of study: 1 year
Language of studies: Estonian language

Care worker is a primary level health care provider whose work aims at helping a person in case of health problems, functional disorders and during rehabilitation. Care worker works with people of different ages and cultural backgrounds who due to their life situations or other reasons need help, care or support. After passing the training of a care worker a person is permitted to work in all spheres of health care or social service in Estonia or abroad.

The purpose of health promotion studies is to provide general knowledge about health development, health promotion and its basics: the latter comprises the evaluation, planning and managing of health situation in community, designing health policy, and to teach skills for working in public, private and non-governmental systems in the field of public health. The curriculum also creates the basis for further studies in Master-level studies in various universities. 

Occupational therapist is a specialist with professional higher education in the areas of activity and occupational performance, who uses every-day activities as an instrument in

The objective of dental technician curriculum is to train dental technicians, whose level of knowledge and skills enables to produce contemporary and quality dentures (dental restorations).
The auditory teaching is organised in auditoriums and dental technical study-labs with contemporary furnishing, using quality materials and study-instruments.

Optometrist is a health care specialist whose main tasks are the examination and correction of human ophthalmic functions, and the matching, manufacturing and repairing of spectacles, contact lenses and other optic devices. Optometrist’s everyday duties also comprise the counselling of patients in need of optic devices and directing them to oculist’s examination.

An optometrist acts as an expert who solves vision problems that originate from environment and require knowledge about the perception of light, colour and forms. 

An Assistant Pharmacist is a specialist who knows medication and the work in pharmacy, deals with producing and dispensing medication in pharmacy, and also with customer counselling concerning medication. An Assistant Pharmacist can also work in medication wholesale companies and in other businesses dealing with medications, medical and health products. Working in this field requires accuracy, correctness and good communication skills with individual in need of help.

The philosophy of midwifery

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