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General Nurse is a health care worker who offers nursing care to people, helping to enhance their health, to prevent diseases and risk factors, and to support their recovering from diseases. Nurse acts as a team member in different health care sectors and institutions offering health care services. A nurse can also offer partial services independently. 

In order to remotely access the IP-based resources of the Tallinn Health Care College library, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection must be established.

VPN is a secure, encrypted connection that allows access to various electronic journals and e-books purchased by the college, in addition to EBSCO and Web of Science databases.


  • Contact image

    Grete Sõõru

    Head of International Relations

    • +372 5167577
    • 104
  • Contact image

    Jekaterina Šteinmiller

    Associate Professor


Since the war in Ukraine began, Tallinn Health Care College has been preparing for the reception of Ukraine citizens and support their interrupted studies in health care and medicine programmes.  

Coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research:

Needs-based study allowance for students (1st-5th course)

More information on the website of the Ministry of Education and Research HERE!

The aim of this scholarship is to support and recognise students who achieve outstanding results and complete their curriculum in full.

Note: Recognition of prior learning and work experience does not count towards completing the curriculum when applying for a scholarship.

Applications for performance scholarship in the autumn semester must be submitted in Study Information System Tahvel by 24.09.2023.

The amount of the performance scholarship is 100 euros per month (for 5 months).

If you need to write to your lecturer, please use this model  Write dotted letters without the dots.

Needs-based special allowance is financial aid granted to a student for obtaining an education on the basis of the conditions set out in this document and the financial situation of the person, if the student's application for needs-based study allowance has been declined.

The due date for applying for needs-based special allowance for the autumn semester of the 2023/2024 academic year is 24.09.2023.

The amount of needs-based special allowance is 135 EUR per month.

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