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Lighten the Load 2007-2009

Ergonomic cooperation project of Tallinn Health College and Labour Inspectorate  
08.2007 - 2009

The aim of the ergonomic cooperation project of Tallinn Health College and Labour Inspectorate   "Lighten the Load" is the prevention of bone- and muscle complaints through early diagnostics and ergonomics.

The project is leaded by Tallinn Health College Rector Ülle Ernits; the partners are Katrin Saar and Maris Liidemaa from Labour Inspectorate and Reine Kadastik and Milvi Moks from Tallinn Health College.


  1. Preparation of the events and activities of the campaign "Lighten the load"; participation in events/radio broadcasts.  
  2. Conducting of health care workers questionnaires.
  3. Presentations of the 9th Occupational Health Day: 

    Ernits, Ü. Tallinna haiglate personalil esinevatest vaevustest ühenduses raskuste käsitsi teisaldamisega. Üheksanda töötervishoiupäeva konverents Eestis. 25.10.2007.

    Moks, M., Kahn H. Riskianalüüsi roll luu-lihaskonna ülekoormushaiguste ärahoidmisel. Üheksanda töötervishoiupäeva konverents Eestis. 25.10.2007.

  4. Poster presentations during  the International Week 2008:

    Ernits, Ü., Moks, M., Kadastik, R.,  Kotkas, E. (2008). Prevention of OccupationalDiseases Caused by physical Overload in Estonia. The International Week Conference Of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008: Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Tallinn: Tallinn Health College.

    Kiil, T., Tooren, K. (2008). ERGonomic syrvey of the chemistry Laboratoru of the Chair of Pharmacy. The International Week Conference Of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008: Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Tallinn: Tallinn Health College.

  5.  Publications:

    Kahn, H., Moks, M., Pille, V., Vain, A. (2007). Work-related diseases caused by physiscal overload in Estonia. Magazine 10 EN. Luxenburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. pp 31-34.
    Kahn, H., Moks, M., Pille, V., Vain, A. (2007). Füüsilisest ülekoormusest põhjustatud tööga seotud haigused on Eestis töötervishoiu aktuaalne probleem. Eesti Töötervishoid 3:44-47.
    Ernits, Ü., Kadastik, R., Moks, M. (2007). Ergonoomia tervishoiutöötajate kandami kergendaja ja tervise säilitajana. Eesti Töötervishoid 3:56-57.
    Ernits, Ü. Soovitused igasse päeva. (2007). Töö ja tervis. Luu-lihaskonna vaevused Eestis. Euroopa Tööohutuse ja töötervishoiu Agentuur.
    Ernits, Ü.,  Moks, M. Kadastik, K., Kotkas, E. (2008). Prevention of OccupationalDiseases Caused by physical Overload in Estonia (poster). The International Week Conference Of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008: Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Tallinn.
    Kiil, T.,  Tooren, K. (2008). Ergonomic syrvey of the chemistry Laboratoru of the Chair of Pharmacy (poster). The International Week Conference Of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008: Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Tallinn: Tallinn Health College.

  6. Defended course paper:
    Kožanova, J. Õenduse õppetool. (2008). Õdede ülekoormushaiguste põhjused ja preventsioon ergonoomika    abil.

The academic year 2008/2009 shall concentrate on the prevention of complaints caused by bone-muscular physical overload through the assessment and administration of health risks.



  1. Presentation:
    Kahn, H., Moks, M. Riskianalüüs töötervishoiuarsti pilgu läbi. Töötervishoiuarstide Seltsis. 19.09.2008.
  2. Articles: ­ 
    Moks, M., Ernits, Ü., Kadastik, R. (2008). Füüsilisest ülekoormusest põhjustatud kutsehaiguste preventsioon Eestis. Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli toimetised. Tallinn: Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool.
  3. Supervision of students´ conference papers:
    Teesid ja posterettekanne: Ots, K. (2008).CHEMICALS USED IN HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS AND HOW TO PREVENT THEIR HARMFUL EFFECTS BY RISK ASSESSMENT. From Higher Education Institutions to community. Tallinn Health Care College, Chair of Nursing. Mentors: Milvi Moks PhD, Ene Kotkas.
  4. Development of cooperation with MINOTEC DC OÜ.
    A joint seminar for the 1st course optometry students on 25.03.09.