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1. December. Merike Kravets is participating in the ESF project "Home care workers pilot project" seminar in Haapsalu.

1. February. The conclusion of the ESF project "Development of vocational education in nursing and care specialities" PBL (Problem Based Learning) course.

1. February. A course "Creation of e- course on the base of IVA. Choice of suitable technological measures and methods" for THC lecturers given by Riina Orumaa. Participants: Riina Tyni, Helju Remmel, Tiina Müürisepp, Milvi Moks, Mai Lipping, Merike Kravets, Riina Nukk, Tiiu Mäe.

2.-5. October. According to SOCRATES/ERASMUS bilateral agreement are Yvetta Vrublova, Bohdana Dushova and Monika Cseszarova from Czech Republic teaching mentorship in The Chair of Nursing.

3.-4. January. Tallinn Health College seminar "Curriculum development through the integration of subjects" in Villa Andropff, Pärnumaa. Subjects: surriculum, subject programmes, competences/outcomes, integration, reflection of international work in teaching a subject.

2. May. Anne Ehasalu is having a seminar in Tallinn Rehabilitation Center on the subject "Changes accompaning aging".

3. May. Meeting of the Council of Occupational Therapy Curriculum. Participants: Karin Lilienberg, Lia Lasn, Tiina Juhansoo, Priit Eelmäe, Chris Henriksson, Reet Veskoja, Ingrid Kauna, Maie Ruussaar, Reine Kadastik, Heili Piilberg, Kaarel Tammaru.

1. March. Vice Rector of Tallinn Health College Tiina Juhansoo and the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics, Tallinn College of Engineering, signed a cooperation agreement in dental technology. Also participated: Tõnu Kauba, Toomas Pihl and Elo Viljus.

18.-21. July. The Head of the Chair of Optometry Vootele Tamme is participating in the tuition course in Hoya Lens, Amsterdam

1. November. Annual congress of the Estonian Nurses Association, where is paticipating the Rector Ülle Ernits.

1. November. Lecturers of the Chair of Optometry Merle Väljari, Elo Olonen and Vootele Tamme acquainted young people in the Kristiine Youth Center with the eye construction, described problems connected with vision and tested visual acquity.

2. November. Meeting to discuss the questions connected with nurses´ practical training documentation.

4.-8. September. In the frames of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS bilateral agreement are  Andra Õismaa and Ulvi Jõgi teaching in Czech Republic, Universita Palackeho v Olomouci.

1. August - 31. December. Professional tuition course in nursing and care for teachers in the frames of the ESF project "Development of vocational education in the specialities of nursing and care".

15. August. Sate annual conference of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme in Tallinn. From Tallinn Health College are participating Ülle Ernits and Tiina Juhansoo.

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