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No. NL/NL/05/A/ex/123811
24. - 28.04.2006

4.-5. January. Days for discussion and project work on the subject "Future development of Tallinn Health College".

6. January. Meeting of the project LATERNA NORDICA in Tallinn Health College.

9. January. Meeting of the INTERREG IIIA project HUUTA in EUREGIO.

E- learning in Vocational Education Institutions and Applied Higher Education Institutions
01.07.2005 - 31.12.2008

The project "E- learning in vocational education institutions and applied higher education institutions" is implemented and financed in the frames of the measure 1.1 " Development and implementation of e- learning in vocational education institutions and applied higher education institutions" of the EU structural fund ESF.

The main aim of the project: 

1. December.  Irma Nool, the lecturer of Tallinn Health College, is making a presentation on the Worldwide Day of HIV at the seminar organised by the project HUUTA in Helsinki Polytechnic.

5.-7. December. Lolita Cibule from Stradins University, Latvia, is teaching in Tallinn Health College, department of occupational therapy.

30. October - 4. November. CD JEP TEMPUS project meeting in Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland, with the participation of Russian and Finnish partners. Tallinn Health College was represented by the project members Tiina Juhansoo, Leila Kalde and Riina Shor.

8. November. The course "Application of complementary instructions in school health care", financed by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund,  took place in Tartu, Riia 15.

2.-13. October. According to SOCRATES/ERASMUS bilateral agreement is the lecturer of occupational therapy Lia Lasn teaching at North-Karelia Polytechnic.

4.-7. October. Anne Ehasalu and Merike Kravets are participating in the Leonardo da Vinci programm´s  project´s  IGUANA meeting in Patras, Greece.

3.-12. September. In the working cycle of the  TEMPUS  programme in Nizni Novgorod, Russia participated Tiina Juhansoo.

13.-18. September. Tiina Juhansoo participated in the EAIE conference that took place in Krakov, Poland.

Tallinn Medical School is  participating in the  European  Social  Fund’s pilot project for homecare workers, the aim of which is to train homecare workers.
The training program starts in September 2005 and lasts for 9 months including 3-months paid practical training (6 months integrated practical and theoretical training and 3 months practical training).

Project was organized in partnership with the Labor Market Broad, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, Danish and Estonian private sector.


The project was initiated by Mainor College in co- operation with the Tallinn College of Engineering, Estonian Maritime Academy, Viljandi Culture Academy, Tallinn Medical School, Tartu Art College and Tartu Aviation College.

Using of graphic organisers in studies

The aim of the training "Use of graphic organisers in studies" is to learn to use the programmes Inspiration and Kidspiration.

24 teachers are participating in the project.

Project leader: Riina Orumaa

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