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Mai keskel kogunes rektori valimiseks valimiskogu, kes otsustas teha haridus- ja teadusministrile ettepaneku sõlmida uus viie aastane tööleping senise rektori Ülle Ernitsaga.

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 Anneliis Aavik

  • Eesti Tegevusterapeutide Liit, juhatuse esimees

  • The Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries, Eesti tegevusterapeutide esindaja

 Kaie Eha



 Kaie Eha

Since November 2, 2022, the following preventive measures against viral diseases are in force at Tallinn Health Care College:

1. We expect our learners and employees to be fully vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 to ensure as safe learning and working environment as possible.
2. One is obliged to disinfect their hands properly when entering the building. If necessary/or one would like to, they can wear a mask. These are available when entering the building. One must wash their hands using warm running water and soap, if necessary hand disinfection item should be used while being in the building(s). Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
3. It is allowed for the host to ask the visitors of the College’s buildings to take an antigen rapid test.
4. Everyone in College’s buildings should move between the rooms as much as necessary and as little as possible.
5. You should always keep a healthy distance.
6. Rooms should be purged once in every 1.5 hours if possible.
7. In case of events organised by the College, the form and preventive measures for every event shall be decided separately considering the aim of the event, number of participants and the size and options of the room used for the event.
8. Virtual options should be preferred when organising meetings and appointments.
9. People are strictly prohibited to enter College’s buildings if tested positive for COVID-19 or when having signs and symptoms of viral diseases!
10. COVID-19 close contacts must be in self-isolation for 5 calendar days.
11. One is obliged to follow all the preventive measures for viral disesases set by the College in the buildings. When visiting rooms of College’s partner institutions, requirements valid there should be followed.
12. In case of a positive test for COVID-19, the member of the College is obliged to inform their immediate superior and Piret Gilden; also being a close contact should be informed, incl. information of possible close contact colleagues.
13. „Order for cleaning the rooms of Tallinn Health Care College“ is based on when cleaning the rooms.
14. We kindly ask every member of staff and learners behave responsibly outside of working and studying hours, too; avoid parties, gatherings and similar events, please. Serve as a good example for your close ones!

Principles of studies at Tallinn Health Care College

Since November 2, 2022, the above-named preventive measures against viral diseases are in force at Tallinn Health Care College.

Organisation of work at Tallinn Health Care College

Since November 2, 2022, the above-named preventive measures against viral diseases are in force at Tallinn Health Care College.

Important contacts

Content of studies and conduct of studies (curriculum leaders)​:
Assistant Pharmacist Merle Kiloman and Monika Drews
Dental Technician  Heli Kuuse
Optometrist Vootele Tamme
Occupational Therapist Hanna-Maria Põldma
Health Promotion Nele Kunder
Midwife Katrin Klein
General Nurse Jandra Ristikivi
Health Sciences Kristi Rannus
Care Worker, Emergency Medical Technician, Childminder, Dental Assistant, Assistive Technology Specialist, Sterilisation Technician and ​Client Worker for People with Mental Health Problems Piret Tamme

Organizational issues of studies ( Specialists of studies):
General Nurse Anna-Mari Andok
Health Sciences, vocational studies  Miili Tammeveski
Assistant Pharmacist, Dental Technician, Optometrist, Occupational Therapist, Health Promotion, Midwife, vocational studies Keidi-Riin Unt

Issues of E-studies (Educational Technology Specialist):
Heli Raun

Issues of addidional training (Head of the Lifelong-Learning Centre):
All training and addidional training issues Siret Piirsalu

Library in Tallinn
Library in Kohtla-Järvel

Communication and media:
Ulvi Kõrgemaa 



Information can be found HERE. 

Tips for maintaining a good mood and mental health
  1. Create a certain daily routine (get up at the same time, work in the most normal rhythm possible, eat only during meals, find a way to take breaks, allow yourself something pleasant, etc.).

  2. Find a way to walk or otherwise be physically active, it will increase psychological well-being.

  3. Talk to your close colleague or friend occasionally and talk about other topics, not virus. Currently, the most difficult are for colleagues who work and run a home school and / or kindergarten at the same time.

  4. Be understanding of yourself and others, the situation is unusual for everyone.

  5. Avoid over-checking, it will not solve the problems, it will make it worse. Offer help, ask for help.

  6. If you feel lost, read

  7. If you need advice from psychologists (by writing or using other digital channels), you can find the contacts HERE. 

Let's stay healthy!



Due to the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus, there may come a time when suddenly a lot of helping hands need to be involved. Opportunities for volunteering in Estonia can be found HERE (et). 

Cleaning and disinfection of premises

Üliõpilaskonverents 2024


2. oktoobril 2021. a kuulutati Ugala teatris välja aasta õpetaja konkursi laureaadid - ühena pälvis elutööpreemia Taimi Tulva! Palju õnne!

Taimi Tulva
Õenduse õppetooli dotsent
Töötab kõrgkoolis alates 03. oktoobrist 2016

26. - 30. oktoobril 2020 toimus Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli virtuaalne rahvusvaheline nädal. Rahvusvahelise nädala raames toimusid mitmed sisukad arutelud ja töötoad. Peamiseks sündmuseks oli 28. - 30. oktoobril toimunud rahvusvaheline konverents "Public Health & Healthcare in the Move" - Opportunities and Challenges in Reasearch, Practice and Policy. Kokku osales konverentsil ligi 300 inimest, osalejate seas oli teadlasi Prantsusmaalt, Lätist, Leedust, Saksamaalt, Inglismaalt, Soomest, Rootsist, Itaaliast, Albaaniast, Indiast ja Belgiast.

Stipendiumiga toetakse asendushooldusel viibinud või eestkostja peres elanud üliõpilaste kõrghariduse omandamist. Stipendiumi saab taotleda õppimiseks rakenduskõrgharidus-, bakalaureuse-, magistri- ning bakalaureuse- ja magistriõppe integreeritud õppes.

• Stipendiumi suurus täiskoormusega õppes on 160 eurot kuus.

• Stipendiumi on võimalik taotleda kuni kümneks õppekuuks aastas õppekava nominaalkestuse jooksul.

• Stipendiumi võib taotleda: rakenduskõrgharidus-, bakalaureuse-, magistri- ning bakalaureuse- ja magistriõppe integreeritud õppe üliõpilane.

Sel nädalal saavad Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli suvised lõpetajad kätte oma rakenduskõrghariduse lõpudiplomid ja kutseõppe lõputunnistused. Nende seas on ka 14 esimest tegevusterapeudi töökohapõhisel õppekaval õppinud üliõpilast.

Loe pikemalt:

Katuseaiad on Tallinnas oma kohta leidmas. Teiste seast võib leida ka hinnatud aedu. Tallinna Tervishoiukõrgkool jagas rahvusvahelisel konkursil teist-kolmandat kohta.

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